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My Water Birth Story

I am thrilled to finally share OUR water birth story. Seven out of my nine months of my pregnancy has been spent in lockdown during the COVID community quarantine, but despite that I am truly grateful for the time to nurture and nourish my baby and my body. Our natural unmedicated birth story is one of the best and most magical things that happened this 2020.

Sept 3, 2020 Timeline of Events

On my 40th week and 4th day of pregnancy, baby K decided to make her grand entrance..

2:30 AM: I woke up to contractions that felt like dysmenorrhea.

3:00 AM: Regular 1-min long contractions every 7 mins. Was I in active labor?

4:00 AM: I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t due to the intensifying pain. Also, I thought “Is this the day I’m finally giving birth?” (My due date was originally Aug 30)

5:00AM: I woke up my husband and told him I’m having regular contractions. But might be false alarm since it’s still bearable. Also informed my birth team about possible delivery

6:00AM: Contractions shortened in duration to 45 seconds. Took a shower and had heavy breakfast. Klentz loaded our bags, snacks, and exercise ball in the car

8:00AM: Took a quick nap at home

9:30AM: Arrived at Marikina Maternity Clinic and Lying-in. Unloaded all our things and settled in the birthing room.

10:30AM: Clinic OB did an IE. I was already 8 cm dilated. Tried to rest and take a nap

11:00AM: Contractions intensified like surges and I started to feel them on my lower back. Forward leaning position and rebozo sifting helped manage the pain. My doula also put eucalyptus oil on my shoulders to help me relax

12:00PM: Had quick lunch while sitting on my exercise ball, doing hip circles

2:00PM: Active labor and intense surges; cervix already 9cm dilated and 100% effaced, baby’s head +2 down already

3:00PM: Went inside the inflatable pool with warm water. Husband setting up GoPro and helping my doula pour warm water over my stomach to help with contractions

4:30PM: Pushing stage; Klentz joined me in the pool and held my hand. I started breathing down (J-breaths) during contractions but the pain also got more intense and closer together. My doula put clarysage oil on a cotton ball, which caused stronger contractions. Also had to hydrate to minimize leg cramping

5:00PM: Klentz played my Spotify playlist for birthing relaxation. Really helped me go back to hypnobirthing and visualization practice. “Think of happy thoughts and my happy place.”

  • I kept switching positions from squatting to all fours to leaning backwards to tone down the sensations
  • Crowning (of baby’s head) also took place. The midwife had to squeeze my bag of water open because it was still intact.

5:55PM: Baby’s out! Immediate skin-to-skin contact

7:00PM: Placenta delivered and stored for later use (I opted to have my placenta encapsulated. Heard about the many benefits of consuming it for later recovery)

Overall I thank the Lord for making my labor relatively fast and smooth. My water did not break early; I did not have bloody show nor any major delays. In fact, we were out of the clinic by 9:00 am the next day to give way to another patient.

I only had very small and shallow vaginal tear, which midwife Aileen was able to stitch immediately after my delivery. Baby weighed 3.58kg (7.89 lbs!) and was given eye ointment and vitamin K shot before we went home.

Everything seemed so surreal. One day I’m just at home with a bursting belly and 2 days after we come home with my deflated belly and a tiny munchkin! Up to this day reminiscing about the events of Sept 3 still gives me chills. Good chills. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to do water birth in this lifetime.

Thank you also to my wonderful birth team (Ate Aileen and Doula Betty) for always being there for me emotionally, physically, and mentally. As I type this post baby Kailea is already turning 4 months. You are our angels!

<3, Chua family

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