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Honeymoon Highlight #2: Machu Picchu (Day 2/2)

A lifetime of waiting for this visit to one of the wonders of the world, of course we wouldn’t pass up on the opportunity to do more and immerse ourselves in what the place has to offer! What better way to do that than embark on a hiking journey to climb Huayna Picchu mountain!

My travel guide to touring Machu Picchu here

Only a limited number of people allowed to enter Huayna Picchu – 400 for the day, split into 2 batches before 11:30 AM (1st batch is at 8am and 2nd is at 10am). The trail summits the famous mountain that appears in every post card photo of the Machu Picchu ruins. You better start that cardio workout if you’re planning a trip to Peru! Just kidding! 😀

There’s a quick access from the Machu Picchu city to go straight to Huayna Picchu, which means no more going up the stairs, around the temples, all the way ’til the end. At exactly 9:30 am, my husband and I excitedly waited outside the gates. We applied sunscreen, did a couple of leg stretches, and signed in on the logbook as visitors #230 and 231.

The hike initially began as a leisurely stroll in the park, then transitioned to big-ass steps going downhill (which I kinda felt on my knees). After a few curvy and narrow paths, thirty minutes into the hike and we were going through a steep vertical climb which led us almost crawling and holding for our dear lives onto the tight rope (used as handrail) provided. It is certainly not for big groups, which explains the limited number of people permitted to enter. It’s also not for the faint-hearted because the trail is at the edge of a cliff at almost 2,800 meters (9,000 ft) elevation!

Watch this 2-day video to understand what I’m talking about. Day 2 starts at 05:16. (cont’d from Day 1 post)

We made friends along the way — other hikers, backpackers, and even met an Australian family of adventurers. We were panting and gasping for air, but there was no time to stop and rest, since there were other hikers trailing behind us. Aside from the physical exercise, it was sort of a mental one as well; we had to push ourselves to finish what we started. Lo and behold, when we reached a resting spot and finally turned around, Huayna Picchu offered a stunning, panoramic view of the Machu Picchu ruins, which was indeed shaped like a condor, just as our guides have been telling us for the past few days!

How in the world did the Incas imagine or put this to reality hundreds of years ago?? In Peruvian history, the condor was considered a sacred animal as it was believed to carry a connection between the earth and the heavens. Hence the Incas designed the city hidden atop a mountain to protect it from Spanish colonization, and shaped it like a condor bird. JUST AMAZING!

It was a surreal moment indeed. We spent a bit of time admiring the fascinating view and the rich history behind it from the summit. I still couldn’t believe we finally made it here, after years of dreaming the unimaginable.

After countless selfies and panoramic shots from our cameras (mirrorless camera, GoPro, iPhone), it was finally time to leave. Carefully, we trekked our way back to the citadel. My heart was teeming with emotions– of joy, pride, and contentment.

What a way to spend our honeymoon on the 5th of June 2019!


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